Ed Savigny – It Was More Than I Ever Could Of Expected

When you search for things online and you get directed to websites you are often pulled in by companies more often than not unrealistic claims. The Detail King website is amazing and I put down my money for the 3 day detailing training course and was very excited to be doing it but expected that I would be underwhelmed once I was there. That did not happen.

From start to finish it was more than I could have ever expected. Nick Vacco and his team don’t just teach a course-they have lived the course so it’s real world experience and everyone of his people are fantastic to work with and knowledgeable with no BS! The business part of the class was educational and the hand out materials give you hard copies to help you remember because there is an awful lot to learn.

The hands on portion is fun and demanding and getting to work with people from all across the country with similar interests and goals makes it that much better. I still have much to learn running my own auto detailing business but Detail King has given me the tools and the support and the confidence I need to excel and it didn’t take me 5 years of trial and error to get to this point. I would absolutely recommend this training to anyone looking to take control of and change their lives. Ed Savigny, I graduated October 2017.