Every Auto Detailing Business Needs an Email Marketing Campaign

Establish Your Email Campaign

When it comes to social media networking, the top priority — the No. 1 goal — is to keep your business name boldly displayed in front of your customers. They’re going to need about your new service offerings, your special offers, your package deals, and of course, timely reminders that their vehicle is due for a detail.

And don’t be content with delivering these messages in boring black and white emails. Sign up for a Direct Email Campaign service like aweber.com or constant contact.com. These services are not expensive and will help you design professional-looking emails that will attract your customer’s eye. As an added bonus, these services will manage your various lists of customers and prospects.

The email campaign company will provide you with an HTML code to publish on your website. That code will contain an email sign-up form for your customers and prospects to complete so they are able to opt into your campaign. Your form may display the phrases “past customer” or “future customer” and they will check the appropriate box. Now when you receive their opt-in email, you can put their name and email address in the appropriate list. Then you can develop different email campaigns targeting each list you have. This is called “segmentation.”

email-marketing-for-detail-businessesNewsletters & Special Offers

For past customers, the first email they should receive would be a “thank you” email the day following the detail. You’re thanking them for their business, and you’re also asking for feedback on how well you performed the job. And if you get a negative response, be sure to remedy that complaint immediately!

In the next email, politely ask them for a few referrals. If they provide you with a few friends, relatives, or co-workers that eventually purchase your services, be sure you reward your initial customer with a future free service. Successful detail entrepreneurs will have a monthly newsletter that goes out to both prospects and past customers. Your newsletter may highlight a customer of the month or even a new employee and, of course, special offers. Have live links in your emails connecting back to various pages of your web site. Services like aweber.com and constant contact.com will furnish you reports that will show you how many of your emails were actually opened and how many people clicked on a link to your web site. You can create the mailers ahead of time and schedule them to be emailed out by the campaign service you have selected. A well-organized and professional email campaign is a necessity in today’s digital evolution.

Keep The Customer Engaged

By keeping your name in front of customers through a good email campaign, your customer will be engaged with your business. If you don’t master this marketing skill, someone else will certainly come along and take their business away from you. Sending periodical emails will remind them of who you are and could even help create new opportunities for you with them. This is especially true when your customer has lost or misplaced your business card. And don’t forget that most car owners reside within families that also own cars. Don’t forget to offer multiple car and family loyalty discounts to show your appreciation.