Lake Country HDO CCS Orange Polishing Pads
Conventional foam pads absorb polish too quickly. This reduces polish and pad performance because most of the polish is trapped below the working surface of the pad. Utilizing CCS Technology, this common problem is resolved using strategic patterns of partially closed foam cells. The Lake Country HDO CCS Orange Polishing Pads give the operator the added benefit of the durable, dual layer design and tapered edge.
- Application: removal of light defects and micro-marring
- Slow Rate of Polish Absorption: CCS Pockets gradually release polish as needed by the operator
- Prevent Pad Skipping: CCS pockets surface tension allowing operator to run pad flat on working surface
- Dual Layer: The dual layer design reduces lateral/horizontal movement, resulting in a reduction of friction inside the pad which increases durability by eliminating excessive heat and reduces foam fatigue
- Dual Action Random Orbitals
- Gear Driven Orbitals
- Rotary
Pads should be cleaned during use after polishing each section with either a pad cleaning brush or an air compressor to blow our compound/polish prior to applying more product to the pad. At the end of the job, pads should be cleaned with a pad cleaning solution such as our Clean All, and can be cleaned with a machine like our Lake Country Pad Washer 4000 System or manually with a stiff nylon brush. Scrub with brush of pad washer and cleaning chemical, rinse and wring out all compound/polish/protectant residue, and then let air dry for longest pad life.
The amount of vehicles that you will get out of a pad will be determined by how aggressive you are getting with the pad. Compounding pads will wear down the quickest since you are doing the most aggressive work with these pads. Running on higher speeds will also add to aggressiveness which will shorten pad life as well. You want to use multiple pads on a vehicle for best correction results but if you were to use 1 single Compounding pad to do an entire vehicle, you would probably get 10-15 vehicles on average before needing to replace the pad. If you were to use 1 single Polishing pad (again multiple pads per vehicle is best) to do an entire vehicle, you would probably get 20-25 vehicles on average before needing to replace the pad. With a wax/sealant pad, you can do the entire vehicle with one pad and you aren’t doing any correction whatsoever so pads will last much longer to where you should get upwards of 60-80 vehicles prior to needing to replace a wax/sealant pad.
Foam pads can be used on just about any buffer/polisher and come in varying levels of aggressiveness for compounding, polishing or for applying protection depending. Wool pads can also be used on most buffers/polishers and are typically a little more aggressive. They come in various levels of compounding or polishing options but you won’t use a wool pad for applying protections. Microfiber pads can be the most aggressive form of pad when paired with the proper polisher. Microfiber comes in various levels of compounding and polishing but aren’t used for applying protection (similar to a wool pad). Microfiber pads are designed for use on random orbital polishers (short throw or long throw) and are not recommended to be used on gear driven or rotary polishers.
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