Why You Should Attend Auto Detailing School

There’s no question you need education and training to successfully operate in any trade or profession, whether you’re studying to be a doctor, lawyer, construction worker or auto detailer.

And don’t think for a moment that your auto detailing customers aren’t interested in where you obtained your skills and knowledge. Just as you want assurances that the doctor performing surgery on you has a medical degree, your customers want to know that you have received auto detailing training from a private licensed school with a curriculum approved by the State of Pennsylvania.

With a framed diploma awarded at ceremonies marking the end of the Detail King training program, graduates now have tangible proof that they went to school in order to learn the proper way to satisfy your customers’ needs. Being a graduate from our auto detailing school should be a benefit that extends far beyond what the on-the-job training detailer has to offer. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to our hands-on training.

Here at Detail King, our auto detailing training program begins with the basics — things you must know in lieu of grabbing a rag and bucket of soapy water and going at it. First off, it’s important to know which detailing tools are available to you as well as how to use them properly, when to use them and where to use them. It’s also wise to know what precautions you must take before starting to work with these tools, and our auto-detailing training program will show you how.

We don’t expect you to be a chemist, but we can teach you how to use the correct chemicals and, polishes, sealants and waxes for your auto detailing business. We teach you to know what products work best for specific situations, how to measure chemicals so you don’t overdo the job and cause damage to your paying customers automobiles. And, we teach you to respect these chemicals in safety classes presented by our staff.

On the business side, we teach our students how to determine what to charge their customers based on the detailer’s overhead and what the competition is charging. We teach them how to price different detailing packages, how to estimate oversized vehicles like RV’s, limousines, space shuttles and to ensure you’re not undercharging customers for using certain products on a particular job. At auto detailing school, we also teach you how to up-sell — which can add greatly to your revenues — and how to create a budget for your car detailing business.

One of the most important segments of our training program is to teach you how to put together a business plan for an auto detailing business. We also provide specific information on the best ways to hire on employees, from actively seeking qualified applicants to the initial interview and on through the salary negotiations.

With proper positioning of the training you’ve received, you’re alerting your customers that you have been professionally educated in the essential skills related to auto detailing. With the knowledge provided in a training course, you can not only shorten the learning process, but perhaps meet some of your long-term business goals in rapid fashion.

Detail King’s training seminars have been thoroughly researched and put together to assist the beginning student, the intermediate employee and even the expert detailer. From hands-on detailing classes to easy-to-follow business seminars, our classes prepare you to successfully handle all aspects of a detailing business.